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Celebrity Hairstyles

Celebrity hairstyles may have more influence on culture changes that many people are aware of. A hairstyle communicates a certain feeling and attitude to the world. When a celebrity changes their hairstyle, they are changing what they say to the world. If that hairstyle becomes popular and copied throughout society, then it is possible to completely change how people feel and interact with each other. Because of this fact, it is quite possible for a hairstyle to change how society operates.

Celebrity hairstyles embody the feeling of each generation, decade, and era. It is possible to tell what a decade was like just from looking at the hairstyles that were popular in that decade. The 50s were a time of rigidness and reconstruction. The hairstyles in this time were structured and held firmly into place. The 70s brought about a more laid-back approach to life and the popular hairstyles show that attitude as well. The hair was flowing, long, and free.

Celebrity Hairstyles
Celebrity Hairstyles
Celebrity Hairstyles
Celebrity Hairstyles
Celebrity Hairstyles
Celebrity Hairstyles
Celebrity Hairstyles
Celebrity Hairstyles
Celebrity Hairstyles
Celebrity Hairstyles
Celebrity Hairstyles
Celebrity Hairstyles
The 80s were all about rebellion. The hair for this time was wildly curled and cut into harsh styles. More recent hair trends have been all about mixing old styles in new ways. That shows the attitude of the time, which is mixing new and old technologies and business methods together to create something new.

Celebrity hairstyles also can affect fashion. A popular haircut lends itself to new fashion pathways. A soft, flowing style leads to the creation of soft, flowing clothing. It could also lead to highly structured pieces as a fashion contrast. The same thing can happen with a severe hairstyle. Clothing can turn severe or gentle in contrast.
Celebrity Hairstyles, Pada: 8:32 AM
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